Monday, 23 May 2011

My Ultimate Bob Dylan Mix Tape. Not Playlist. MIX TAPE!

In honour of his Bobness' 70th birthday today (or yesterday, if you're on whichever side of the planet where it's now already tomorrow), and inspired by a quick Twitter exchange with an old buddy of mine, I decided to put together a mix tape. On an actual tape.

So I went over to my CD shelf and started selecting, a task made more difficult by my not having much space to keep all my CDs out. Luckily most of my Dylan albums are on the shelf. Some are in boxes in the big scary cupboard, along with my remaining unused supply of blank tape. But I persevered and picked out my choices for a definitive Bob Dylan mix tape.

I used to make tapes all the time, as my old car had a cassette player. But this will probably be my first in about 7 years. I'm mostly digital nowadays, with my iPod and whatnot. I've sadly fallen victim to my own need for convenience.

I miss the making and exchanging of mix tapes. It's so easy nowadays to casually drag a load of MP3 files into a list at the side of your library. I wish I had the time and energy to do my baby playlists as mix tapes. To actually have to think carefully about the musical goodness that had to inhabit two sides of 45 minutes was, despite the fact that you're effectively pirating music, an art in itself.

It was easy for me to select the songs. The tape kind of made itself in a way. These are the Dylan songs that speak to me the most, for one reason or another.

So, if anyone still gives a monkeys about this sort of thing, here it is:

Side One:

From A Buick 6
Shooting Star
Going Going Gone
Sugar Baby
SeƱor (Tales Of Yankee Power)
Most Of The Time
I And I
Love Sick

Side Two:

Simple Twist Of Fate
Dark Eyes
Heart Of Mine
Cat's In The Well
One Too Many Mornings
Diamond Joe
Ain't Talkin'
Series Of Dreams

Happy birthday Bob!

So that's my Ultimate Bob Dylan Mix Tape. Anyone out there wanna do a mix tape swap? Your fave Dylan for mine?

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Baby Playlist #4

'Goodnight, to every little hour that you sleep tite...'

Mrs L's tummy has been hosting a little party over the last couple of weeks. Little L has reached the point where he is exploring the use of his hands, and he's letting his mummy know about it! He's really reacting to sound now too. So much so that I think he's a Bob Dylan fan.

Last night I felt him move for the very first time! It was amazing, one of the best things I've ever experienced. It was just a ripple on her tummy, but enough to let us know he's there!

I'm also trying to imagine what he'll look like, whether he'll be more like me or his mum, and who he'll take after personality wise. Not long till we find out...

We've noticed that Smashing Pumpkins are getting played a lot at the moment. Their quieter moments are so richly textured and soothing, they just seem perfect for this exercise.

Here's his latest playlist. I'm also now thinking of full albums that would be suitable for him to listen to...

Marie Floating Over The Backyard - Eels

Falling Down - Oasis

Wonderwall - Ryan Adams

Every Grain Of Sand - Bob Dylan

Secret Garden - Bruce Springsteen

Feather In Your Cap - Beck

The Shock Of The Lightning - Oasis

The Way - Neil Young*

Blues Run the Game - Counting Crows

Mr. Jones - Counting Crows

Yalla, Yalla - Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros

Rhinoceros - Smashing Pumpkins

The X-Files Theme - Mark Snow

End Of Line - Daft Punk

Angel Dance - Robert Plant

69 Police - David Holmes

Farewell And Goodnight - Smashing Pumpkins


* This is the song that was playing when I felt him move!

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