Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Wishing I lived on the Coast

It was Albert Schweitzer who said 'There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats". And he's right. As the owner of 2 cats I can vouch for that. But when the two things combine (sadly not very often), the results can frequently be awesome. This can, I'm happy to report, be said about Best Coast's album. Just look at the cover, for starters! That alone makes me want to buy this on vinyl.

These days I'm naturally suspicious of anything generating hype, but this is a lovely album. I fell in love with it pretty much on the first listen, which doesn't happen often. Perfect lazy summery tunes, sounding like 'Wall of Sound' in a garage. If I was a stoner or a drinker, I would drink and get stoned whilst listening to this.

Snacks the cat is also getting in on the act with his own twitter. Follow him!